很(hěn)多(duō)老百姓可(kě)能(néng)沒有(yǒu)聽說過老化房這個名(míng)詞,其實高溫老化房它有(yǒu)一個專業的叫法叫做燒機房,它的主要作(zuò)用(yòng)就是為(wèi)了能(néng)夠加工(gōng)出電(diàn)子産(chǎn)品說的具(jù)體(tǐ)一點,其實他(tā)指的就是一個加工(gōng)電(diàn)子産(chǎn)品的設備,通過這個設備加工(gōng)出來的電(diàn)子産(chǎn)品,它的穩定性能(néng)會更好,還有(yǒu)就是質(zhì)量也會更好。 目前老化房大多(duō)應用(yòng)在以下幾個領域發展的比較好,第1個領域就是電(diàn)子行業,第2個領域是電(diàn)腦行業,第3個領域是生物(wù)制藥行業,第4個領域是化工(gōng)行業。
Many people may not have heard of the term "aging house". In fact, the aging house has a professional name called "burning room", which is mainly used to process electronic products. In fact, it refers to a device for processing electronic products. The electronic products processed by this device will have better stability and quality. At present, aging houses have developed well in the following fields: the first field is the electronics industry, the second field is the computer industry, the third field is the biopharmaceutical industry, and the fourth field is the chemical industry.
1. Maintenance of exhaust fan and air duct of aging room The exhaust fan and air duct shall be cleaned every six months, and the insulation of exhaust fan shall be checked; Check whether the air duct is blocked by foreign matters.
2. Cleaning and maintenance of internal and external parts Before operation, the internal impurities and sundries shall be removed from the power distribution room at least once a year. During cleaning, the dust in the room can be removed by using a vacuum cleaner to control the external part of the box to be cleaned at least once a year. When cleaning, soap water can be used to wipe it.
3. Maintenance of the instrument on the panel
The instrument on the panel of the distribution box shall be cleaned once a month, and it can be wiped with dry cotton cloth./